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The Fun Never Ends!

February 20, 2008

So, we rise & shine early for our date with the movers. They arrive on time and start to set up their apparatus. Rather than carry all our junk up to the troisiéme etage, they set up a lift to raise stuff up to the window. Cool. While they are doing this, Danielle takes Sarah to register her for Wednesday play day (no school on Wednesdays). While she is gone, I have two “conversations” with the lead-mover guy. The first, he is asking me if he can tear off a bit of cardboard box to wrap around part of their apparatus to prevent damaging the parquet floor. When I say “conversation”, I mean he speaks in French, while I go, “Comment?”, “Oui”, or “Je ne comprend pas”. The only word I really understood was “parquet”. But we eventually reach an understanding.

Next, he comes to me speaking in wonderful French again. This time, the only word i really get is “Quatorze” – fourteen. I just keep repeating quatorze back at him until I get the gist. What I thought he was trying to tell me was that they wouldn’t let them unload until 2 o’clock. We do live on a main avenue, and his was entirely plausible. What he was really telling me was that the moving truck with our stuff was broken down in Normandy, and they would return at 2 o’clock. This I learned after talking to Danielle, who had been called by the relocation company. What really happened was they never fixed the truck and are going to try again tomorrow at 8 AM.

Someday, we will live in that bloody apartment!

One Comment leave one →
  1. buzzkill_sister permalink
    February 21, 2008 1:03 am

    Mon cher frere glad to see the blog back in action. I love my Manhattan but I’m going to have to give the best subway exit view to you for now. Sorry about your moving ordeal. On the bright side, if you were in NYC you’d have annoying delays and you’d have to tip everyone and his brother to get anything done.

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